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Stein Tree Care Service Encourages Residents to Celebrate Arbor Day

By Stein Tree
Posted on April 19, 2019

Stein Tree Service’s team is passionate about trees and proper tree care, so naturally we encourage all residents to embrace Arbor Day. Arbor Day is the last Friday in April for both Delaware and Pennsylvania. In most states, this is the case, but some states choose to celebrate on a day more in keeping with the best time of year to plant trees in their areas. This year, Pennsylvania and Delaware will recognize the occasion on April 26. Local activities are also taking place on Saturday this year.

For example, on April 27, both the Montgomery Township and Springfield Township in Pennsylvania are holding celebrations and giving away free trees. At the Springfield Township event, leaders will hold a discussion about the spotted lanternfly after a tree planting ceremony. has a list of ideas for those who want to celebrate Arbor Day, including:

  • Plant a tree (or multiple trees!)
  • Read a book about trees
  • Hold an Arbor Day Party for the community
  • Organize a tree identification hike
  • Volunteer with a local tree-planting organization
  • Choose a public park or public area for a group clean-up

Tree Care Tips: Good Tree Care is Good Earth Care

J. Sterling Morton, the founder of Arbor Day as a National Celebration, was quoted as saying, “Each generation takes the earth as trustees.” Certified arborists, tree aficionados, and other tree care specialists have the same view. Taking care of the trees is good for the earth, and is also good for our enjoyment and well-being. Below are some general tree care tips that will help the trees in your landscape thrive.

Contact Stein Tree Service for Tree Care Information and Services On Arbor Day and All Year

The team at Stein Tree Service is passionate about trees on Arbor Day, just as we are every other day of the year. We offer Pennsylvania and Delaware homeowners and businesses professional and reasonable tree care services. For a free consultation, contact us today.




Serving DE, PA and MD


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Stein Tree Earns Permit to Work in Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Areas
Stein has a permit to work in spotted lanternfly quarantine areas in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Tree Service Companies have to be trained in proper moving and disposal of materials to avoid spread of the spotted lanternfly and Stein has completed the training courses. Learn more.

Emerald Ash Borer Inspection
In the spring, destructive emerald ash borer (EAB) adult beetles begin to emerge. These invasive pests can destroy your ash trees. Our specialists are certified to treat for EAB in Pennsylvania and Delaware. For a free consultation, contact us today.