Advantages of Residential Tree Clearing Around Power Lines and Other Areas
Stein Tree Service performs residential and commercial brush clearing and tree removal in Wilmington, DE, and surrounding areas. You may think that this type of service is only needed by developers when building new residences or other construction projects. However, the practice is beneficial for residences as well: when trees grow too close to your electrical wires or when overgrown tree limbs become unstable, for example. A broken tree branch could easily lead to an accident that costs thousands of dollars in damages. So, tree clearing around power lines when a risk of contact is present is essential for you and others living near you.
3 Advantages of Tree Clearing
For residents and local businesses, some land clearing or tree removal can be for aesthetic or space reasons. Others opt for this type of tree work to maintain their properties and trees. But, of course, perhaps the most significant grounds for removing trees near power lines are safety and accessibility
1. Aesthetics and Space
While a property with many trees is appealing, brush and trees that grow too close together or in the wrong areas can detract from the value. On the other hand, when you clear out weeds, brush, or a large group of trees, you create a more usable property for you and your family that allows you to enjoy nature and a more appealing landscape. In addition, outdoor living spaces, gardens, pools, and spas can be added for a homeowner’s enjoyment when overgrown areas are cleared out.

2. Maintenance
Even if you leave brushy areas on your property, those areas must be maintained, especially in a community or city. Maintaining trees on your property involves having them trimmed or removed. That level of maintenance requires owning or renting special machines or equipment, like bush hogs, for periodically cutting back the growth.
Regular maintenance and tree clearing around power lines will help keep your power lines in good shape and reduce risk of damage. However, trees that are too close to power lines can cause interruption in electricity service if they touch the lines, so a professional must remove the trees from time to time. Removing nearby trees also helps prevent fires from starting near high-voltage equipment. Weedy areas also tend to spread into other areas typically manicured for family or public foot traffic.
3. Safety and Health
Another primary reason for tree clearing around power lines is safety and health. Tree branches and limbs can fall onto power lines, causing the electric lines to break. Broken electrical service wires will cause outages, costing businesses money and presenting physical danger to people nearby.
In addition, brushy or weedy areas are havens for snakes, rodents, and large animals like deer. These animals can cause driver hazards and carry unwanted diseases to your clients, family members, or pets. Clearing the areas and removing undesirable or unsound trees around your dwelling or business offers a safer environment.
Our Tree Clearing Services
If you have many trees on your property that pose danger to power lines or electrical access areas, or if you just want to clear trees to provide a better landscape with more usable property, hire professionals such as Stein Tree Service who have experience doing this work

safely. Our team has specialized training and equipment to safely trim trees and remove them without damaging power lines or other structures while minimizing injury risks for anyone nearby.
Some tree care companies find residential tree clearing around power lines too dangerous or too small of a job. However, we can help with this critical task. Stein knows how to help residents get power line areas cleared of trees and brush and contact the electric company to get the power turned off. In addition, we can provide tree trimming, pruning, or removal services to prevent these issues from occurring in the future.
Stein Tree is a Trusted Name for Tree Care and Tree Removal in Wilmington, DE
Our staff of tree care experts has hundreds of years of combined experience. We have you covered with our arborists and tree care specialists! In addition, Stein Tree offers many other tree care services, including right-of-way clearing and clearing around power lines. Our emergency tree removal service is available 24/7, and we can respond to most areas within two hours. For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact us today!